Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010

Pipa Pori Resapan - Innovation of Porous Pipe Infiltration For Flood Disaster Prevention in Densely Populated Urban Areas

Innovation of Porous Pipe Infiltration For Flood Disaster Prevention in Densely Populated Urban Areas

Friski Cahya N.1), Taufan Kurniawan W.1), Wasrif1)

1) Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University


Infrastructure development is an important element affecting the progress of a region. In general uprising of infrastructure development will be followed by the increase of population growth, especially in urban areas, which in turn would reduce the area of water catchment areas. Reduction in water catchment areas will lead to problems related to water resources, among others: flooding in the rainy season and decreasing ground water.

To prevent flooding in densely populated urban areas, the authors propose an innovative solution called the Porous Pipe Infiltration . Innovation of Porous Pipe Infiltration is the combination of the advantages of three existing flood prevention solutions, namely Infiltration Wells, Hole Biopori Infiltration and Composter Pipe Infiltration. Porous Pipe Infiltration consists of: Porous Pipe, Palm fiber, organic waste, gravel, filter inlet and a horizontal pipe . The dimensions and composition of the Porous Pipe Infiltration components can be adjusted with the situation in the field (flexible), which in turn, Porous Pipe Infiltration is designed to be able to prevent flooding in densely populated urban areas.

Porous Pipe Infiltration in order to function optimally in the field, required the cooperation of goverment, academics, and industry. The goverment has to do Innovation of Porous Pipe Infiltration socialization to the public, Academician doing research to determine optimal values of some Porous Pipe Infiltration parameters such as: the dimension, geometry, and discharge of water that can be accommodated, Industry doing mass-production with a standard prototype. If the synergy of goverment, academics, and industry can be well coorporate, Porous Pipe Infiltration could be a new solution to the problem of flooding in densely populated urban areas.

Keywords: Porous Pipe, Floods, Densely Populated, Water Infiltration.

Gold Medal Presentation in PIMNAS XXIII Bali 2010

Senin, 31 Mei 2010

Bamboo for wetland restoration

The idea has been well known in Europe through Junior Dutch students symposium. The basic concept was very simple by embracing the whole aspects of the human life.
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Minggu, 30 Mei 2010

Simple Floating House

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Futuristic Islamic School

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